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Lucinda Lambros: Creating Financial Wellness for Single Moms

Lucinda Lambros is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, passionate about helping single moms achieve financial wellness for themselves and their families. Division of families is never easy in more ways than one and Lucinda utilizes her financial background and knowledge as a C.D.F.A. to help women take control of their own finances. But it’s more than that for her: it’s also about helping women take control of their own lives.

Tax-Loss Harvesting

A million dollars used to be the ultimate target for retirement portfolios. Retiring as a millionaire brought status and confidence that you could live comfortably during your golden years.

If you retired with $1 million in 1970, you probably wouldn’t have to worry about your nest egg running out, even with a lavish lifestyle.

How Far Could $1 Million Go in Retirement

A million dollars used to be the ultimate target for retirement portfolios. Retiring as a millionaire brought status and confidence that you could live comfortably during your golden years.

If you retired with $1 million in 1970, you probably wouldn’t have to worry about your nest egg running out, even with a lavish lifestyle.

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